Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Isaac checking out his toys Christmas morning. "Can I play with them yet, Mommy?"

Finally got to tear into some paper!!

We had the gates down for a while so that we could get to the gifts under the tree. Unfortunately, that didn't last long.

Whew, presents are hard work!

Round two, post-nap and after putting the gate back up.

Finally.... Play time!!!!!

All these new toys, and Isaac spent most of the day playing with a can of peaches he stole out of the pantry.... Oh well, still fun.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Isaac!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010, Isaac's first birthday. At first he wasn't sure what to make of the big deal the grown ups were making of the flaming cupcake, but he quickly warmed up to it.

Nanny was able to join us from Halifax via Skype for Isaac's first birthday cake. We all look forward to her visit in January.

Isaac also got to talk to his Auntie Elisabeth and cousins Joanna and Rachel via Skype earlier in the evening.

Unwrapping gifts. "Is this how you do it, Dad?"

Playing with his new puzzles with Granma. He tries to put them in, but they are a little tricky yet. His favorite thing is to take out all the pieces and stack them into a neat pile, then knock he pile over.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Meeting Santa Claus

Went to the mall today and met Santa Claus!! Isaac did so well too. Never cried, didn't even make a pouty face. Just sat there, looked at Santa, looked at Mommy, looked back at Santa, then it was time to get off so the next kid could have a turn. Mommy was very proud of her big boy.

Looking forward to a little birthday party and cake tomorrow (more pics coming soon!)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just some new pics :)

Isaac finally passed out on the big chair in the living room after being up ALL night. So cute that we just left him there to sleep before taking him to day care.

Saying bye to Mom as she leaves for work.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


We are now cruising along the furniture. He is going a little slow in this video because he is holding Mommy's iPod in his hand, but he can boogie pretty good when he wants to :) He sometimes pushes his music table across the floor and walks behind it, but he never gets far before he bumps into something and gets stopped.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Mmmmmm Grilled Cheese!!!!

Tastes even better once he gets it in his hair.

Isaac investigating the pantry. New favorite toy... box of soda crackers.

Isaac and Daddy leaving for Isaac's first day of day-care. Only went 1/2 day, but did really well. No tears, and made instant friends with the little girl around the same age. Starting full-days on Tuesday.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Standin' and groovin'

Finally caught Isaac pulling himself to standing (he had his socks on which slowed him down a little) :)
He just figured this one out a couple of days ago, but he has already taken a couple of steps hanging on to the furniture!!

Now nothing is safe. He can reach up to the third shelf in the pantry, anything on the sofa cushions is fair game, anything that he can he pulls himself up with, including someone sitting on the floor with him. At least he's not afraid to fall back on his bum when he's tired of standing or starts to lose his balance :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Fun :)

Finally took Isaac to the pumpkin patch this afternoon. It was cold, but totally worth it :)

Looking for the great pumpkin. Mommy wanted Isaac to sit still for a cute pic, but Isaac doesn't sit still anymore....ever.

Isaac even seemed to like the petting zoo. He even let the baby goats get close enough to nibble on his pant legs.

Playing on the big tractor with Mommy :)

Got Isaac dressed up as a little devil and took him to the neighbour's for a little trick-or-treating. He was SUPER cute!!!! He even left the costume on until Mommy took it off. He didn't even seem to notice the hat or wings.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Fun (and first cold)

Isaac found Daddy's case of beer. Thought that would be a great toy, especially when he figured out how to get the empty bottles out.

Took a sick Isaac boy out for a walk on a beautiful fall day. Thanks Aunt Sandi for the great hat!! Its perfect for this time of year :)

By the next day, Isaac was feeling much better. He was back to getting into everything, including the tupperware cabinet.

Mommy got Isaac a new toy, after he liked the one at Avery's house so much. Once we got batteries that work, he loved it!! He loves to dance to the music. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Had a great weekend at Wendy and Kory's visiting with family. Here are some of Mommy's favorite pics :)

Thanks everyone for the great weekend. Looking forward to seeing you all again in December!!!

Isaac loved chasing Mommy around the house.
Playing with Leah and Avery and getting into all of Avery's toys.

Isaac getting very good at standing. He is trying really hard to pull up himself, but not quite there yet. Soon though...too soon. He'll be walking in no time. Mommy's not sure if she's ready for that. It's hard enough keeping up with him (and keeping him out of things), when he's just on hands and knees.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Found my toys :)

It didn't take the now-mobile Isaac long to find where Mommy and Daddy were stashing his toys. Of course, he pulled every single one out, including some of the books from the top shelf. Oh, let the exploring begin!!!!!!