Friday, August 20, 2010


He may not be standing on his own yet, but that doesn't stop him from dancing :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Isaac gets a box :)

Today Isaac turned 8 months old and he got to play with a big box for the first time. He thought it was awesome!! There were too many cute pictures, here are just a few :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Isaac's teeth

Isaac now has 2 teeth. The first came in pretty easily, the second took over a month and came in while we were visiting Granma (this is the first good picture we've been able to get of them). He is still drooling like a fiend, but we seem to be getting a bit of a reprieve before the top ones start coming in. Thank goodness, I think we all needed a break (Isaac included). Here's hoping the top ones come in a little quicker!

We also now practice brushing our teeth with Mommy in the morning. He mostly just chews on the bristles, but it's getting him in the habit.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last Day in Deep River

Monday was our last day in Deep River. As Summerfest was over, we had a quiet day hanging around the house and took Isaac for a walk down to the local marina.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Another day in Deep River

Took Isaac down to the campus to see the "Birds of Prey" show and the Car Show.

It was too hot though, so we decided to go to the beach for the afternoon. It was a good choice :)

Mommy, Daddy and Isaac playing in the water. It wasn't as warm as the other day, but then, at this beach, the water was actually deep enough to swim in. Isaac is getting very good at splashing, which is hilarious at the beach, but now he also splashes in the bath tub (still funny, but makes one heck of a mess to clean up).

"I love buckets!!!"

"Yes Isaac, that is mud."

Daddy taking one of the kayaks for a spin. It was a little choppy, but not too bad.

Then Mommy and Granma took them for a tour. Mommy even kind of looks like she knows what she's doing (pictures can be deceiving). Fun times out on the water :)