Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Fun :)

Finally took Isaac to the pumpkin patch this afternoon. It was cold, but totally worth it :)

Looking for the great pumpkin. Mommy wanted Isaac to sit still for a cute pic, but Isaac doesn't sit still anymore....ever.

Isaac even seemed to like the petting zoo. He even let the baby goats get close enough to nibble on his pant legs.

Playing on the big tractor with Mommy :)

Got Isaac dressed up as a little devil and took him to the neighbour's for a little trick-or-treating. He was SUPER cute!!!! He even left the costume on until Mommy took it off. He didn't even seem to notice the hat or wings.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Fun (and first cold)

Isaac found Daddy's case of beer. Thought that would be a great toy, especially when he figured out how to get the empty bottles out.

Took a sick Isaac boy out for a walk on a beautiful fall day. Thanks Aunt Sandi for the great hat!! Its perfect for this time of year :)

By the next day, Isaac was feeling much better. He was back to getting into everything, including the tupperware cabinet.

Mommy got Isaac a new toy, after he liked the one at Avery's house so much. Once we got batteries that work, he loved it!! He loves to dance to the music. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Had a great weekend at Wendy and Kory's visiting with family. Here are some of Mommy's favorite pics :)

Thanks everyone for the great weekend. Looking forward to seeing you all again in December!!!

Isaac loved chasing Mommy around the house.
Playing with Leah and Avery and getting into all of Avery's toys.

Isaac getting very good at standing. He is trying really hard to pull up himself, but not quite there yet. Soon though...too soon. He'll be walking in no time. Mommy's not sure if she's ready for that. It's hard enough keeping up with him (and keeping him out of things), when he's just on hands and knees.