Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just some new pics :)

Isaac finally passed out on the big chair in the living room after being up ALL night. So cute that we just left him there to sleep before taking him to day care.

Saying bye to Mom as she leaves for work.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


We are now cruising along the furniture. He is going a little slow in this video because he is holding Mommy's iPod in his hand, but he can boogie pretty good when he wants to :) He sometimes pushes his music table across the floor and walks behind it, but he never gets far before he bumps into something and gets stopped.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Mmmmmm Grilled Cheese!!!!

Tastes even better once he gets it in his hair.

Isaac investigating the pantry. New favorite toy... box of soda crackers.

Isaac and Daddy leaving for Isaac's first day of day-care. Only went 1/2 day, but did really well. No tears, and made instant friends with the little girl around the same age. Starting full-days on Tuesday.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Standin' and groovin'

Finally caught Isaac pulling himself to standing (he had his socks on which slowed him down a little) :)
He just figured this one out a couple of days ago, but he has already taken a couple of steps hanging on to the furniture!!

Now nothing is safe. He can reach up to the third shelf in the pantry, anything on the sofa cushions is fair game, anything that he can he pulls himself up with, including someone sitting on the floor with him. At least he's not afraid to fall back on his bum when he's tired of standing or starts to lose his balance :)