Saturday, July 9, 2011

Centerville :D

Ticket in-hand, waiting eagerly for the first train of the day :) It was fast and loud and a little intimidating, but he did fine.
On-board the GO on our way downtown.
On the boat with Daddy taking us across the water to Centre Island.
Daddy, Isaac and Minesh feeding the ducks.

Waiting patiently for train #2 (the small train that takes you around the island).

The view of the city from the Ferry. It was a beautiful day!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gone Camping :)

Isaac's first camping trip...Granma's trailer for Canada Day weekend. What a blast! Isaac is a natural :)

Lots of fun at the beach! The first day the water was warmer and we had more water-play and Saturday was a fun-in-the-sand day :)

"I like you tent Uncle Jason! Can I sleep here with you next time?"

Yep, I think Isaac liked camping :D

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Building blocks :)

Having fun with building blocks this morning... How tall do you think we can make it?

Wow! Pretty tall!

Almost as tall s Daddy! Took all three of us to build it (Mommy holding it steady and Daddy lifting up Isaac to put the blocks on). Lots of fun... especially when it came time to know it all down :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Too cool for school :)

Isaac ready and waiting to leave for day-care this morning. Had to wear his new ballcap and glasses even though it was raining outside (sorry its a little blurry, Isaac's not so good at sitting still these days).

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Playing around the house

Digging in the garden in the back yard.

All ready for puddles :)

Helping Mommy clean the house.

"So this is where you guys are keeping the good stuff."

"Now, how do I get down from here?"

"Mmmmm, cookies!"

Got the train set out. We're starting to understand running the trains along the track, but we still love to "off-road".

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First pair of big-boy shoes

Today was the first day Isaac got to wear his new big-boy shoes. Thought we'd better try them out inside first before we took them on the road :)

Filling up on PB&J so we have energy to play :)

Outside play. What a great day! The jacket didn't last very long for either Isaac or Mommy :)

Sorry, no pics of the park. I spent the whole time chasing him from place to place (helping him up ladders and down slides and pushing him on the swing). He sure loves the park though. He even tried to play with some of the older kids, but he couldn't quite keep up.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

First Hair Cut

Mommy thought Isaac needed a haircut. I don't know, what do you think??

Things started pretty well. He waited patiently for his turn, and got in the chair with minimal fuss.....

...but then we tried to trim around the ears, and Isaac decided he didn't like that very much and he'd had enough.

We got through it though, and Isaac got to munch on a piece of chocolate as a reward. I'm pretty sure he wore more than he actually consumed, but it was still good :)

Visit from Uncle Joel

Had a great visit with Uncle Joel. Isaac is sure taken with him, and Joel seemed to enjoy playing with him too :) Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Busy boy!

Daddy took us to the toy store and got Isaac his own chair. He actually likes to sit in it (for as long as he "sits" anywhere). He loves to "help" daddy play video games.

Playing with Rachel. Was great to see Auntie Elisabeth and cousins Rachel and Joanna.

Isaac's favorite seat in the house is the Wii Fit board. Not sure why, I guess it's because its the right height for him to climb up on.

More playing with cousins :)

In the evening, after Isaac was in bed, Rock Band came out the the Crosby's had a big jam session :)

For those of you who have been looking for updates, the reason there haven't been many is becuase whenever our little ham sees a camera come out he comes running up to it and most of our pictures end up looking like this:

Isaac wanted to join the band too. The next morning he found the drum-set and showed us all his musical talent :)