Thursday, February 4, 2010

Visiting with the cousins

Daddy managed to finally catch a smile with the camera!! It is just the cutest thing ever!! He has also started finding his voice, and it is so fun watching his trying to figure out how his tongue works :)

We also had a visit from Aunt Elisabeth and cousins Joanna and Rachel. They were on their way home from a holiday at Disney World and still had their Princess hair. Isaac was very interested in the sparkling hair.... actually I think he is just becoming a big flirt ;)


  1. WOW. What a sweetheart!! Those are great pics. Isaac's becoming quite the little man!! Flirting already!! We'd best not let Avery teach him any tricks!! haha:) Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!!

  2. Nice pictures, Isaac is so alert now and love the smile.

    Great Aunt Ka
