Monday, May 31, 2010

Learning to feed myself

This weekend Isaac got to try feeding himself. He started with a banana. He liked it, but after a while it got too slippery to hold on to. Good start though.

Then today, Mommy was trying to eat a cold pancake and Isaac thought he wanted to try it. So he sat in his Bumbo and dove in. He was really enjoying himself, and it looked like he cleaned the tray, until he was lifted out..........

Isaac recently discovered a new toy... gotta love it :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Visit to Halifax

Had a great visit in Halifax. It rained the first 2 days we were there, so we didn't get downtown to do any sightseeing, but we had fun hanging out just visiting with family. Next time, when he's old enough to enjoy it, we'll take him down to the waterfront to see Theodore Tugboat and to the beach to play in the ocean.

Regardless, we still met lots of people and had lots of fun. Finally got to meet Uncle Joel and Aunt Karen. Isaac took to both of them right away :)

Hanging with Nanny and chewing on his spoon while waiting for Mommy to make his lunch.

Playing with cousins Joanna and Rachel. Thank goodness this chair came apart and fit in out luggage. It was a life-saver!!

Hanging with Auntie and Uncle and meeting Angie, their "puppy". Isaac did quite well with all the animals. Lucy (the small dog) didn't really want anything to do with him, Val (the cat) was indifferent, but tolerated him when Mommy introduced them (gently), but Angie really loved him. She licked his hands and feet, and when he cried, she would sit by his door until either Mommy or Daddy came out and assured her that he was OK.

Meeting Great Uncle Walter and Aunt Connie.

Also got to meet Great Gram Long (Four Generations in this pic)

Saturday was party day at Aunt Elisabeth's. Got to meet lots of friends and family, but got in some play time with Aunt Karen before everyone arrived..

Playing with Great Aunt Beth. Once she got her hands on him, it was hard to get him away (j/k) :D

Last day in Halifax, everyone was trying to get their snuggles in before we had to leave :)

Hanging with Mom

While Gran-ma was visiting we finally got some pics of Isaac and Mom, but first some cutie-pie ones of Isaac ;)

Reading our bed-time story. Thanks Avery and Leah for "Goodnight Moon". Isaac hears that story every night before bed. Mom almost knows it by heart now.

One of Isaac's favorite new games is to sit on Mom's tummy while she does sit-ups. He thinks its hilarious.

Isaac has started teething, so now he drools like CRAZY! He goes through several shirts a day.

Mommy's good little eater :) He really loves his solid food. Sometimes Mommy can't get it to his mouth fast enough.

Story time. He had a growth-spurt shortly after this picture was taken, and he is now too big to sit like this. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun, fun :)

Now that Isaac is sitting so well, he now gets to sit up when we go for walks and he loves it. He can play with his toys, or just look around. He loves to watch everything and everyone now, and now that his daily naps are better, he rarely sleeps in his stroller anymore.

Isaac has decided that he likes to sleep on his side now. At first we would have to continually rescue him (would roll all the way over onto his tummy, and he HATES being on his tummy), but now he seems to have figured out how to stay on his side without going all the way over. He's also figured out that he can use his feet to turn on his music box :)

Broke out the exer-saucer this afternoon. Isaac LOVES it :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Some fun from this weekend

Had some fun this weekend. Daddy played guitar for Isaac on Saturday and he really seemed to enjoy it.

Isaac is now strong enough to play with the ladybug on his own. He tries to get it in his mouth to chew it, but as soon as he lets go, it runs away from him. Quite funny to watch :)

On Sunday we gave Isaac a rice rusk to try. He seemed to like it, although he kept expecting me to feed it to him. He made a grand mess, but that's half the fun, right?