Monday, May 24, 2010

Visit to Halifax

Had a great visit in Halifax. It rained the first 2 days we were there, so we didn't get downtown to do any sightseeing, but we had fun hanging out just visiting with family. Next time, when he's old enough to enjoy it, we'll take him down to the waterfront to see Theodore Tugboat and to the beach to play in the ocean.

Regardless, we still met lots of people and had lots of fun. Finally got to meet Uncle Joel and Aunt Karen. Isaac took to both of them right away :)

Hanging with Nanny and chewing on his spoon while waiting for Mommy to make his lunch.

Playing with cousins Joanna and Rachel. Thank goodness this chair came apart and fit in out luggage. It was a life-saver!!

Hanging with Auntie and Uncle and meeting Angie, their "puppy". Isaac did quite well with all the animals. Lucy (the small dog) didn't really want anything to do with him, Val (the cat) was indifferent, but tolerated him when Mommy introduced them (gently), but Angie really loved him. She licked his hands and feet, and when he cried, she would sit by his door until either Mommy or Daddy came out and assured her that he was OK.

Meeting Great Uncle Walter and Aunt Connie.

Also got to meet Great Gram Long (Four Generations in this pic)

Saturday was party day at Aunt Elisabeth's. Got to meet lots of friends and family, but got in some play time with Aunt Karen before everyone arrived..

Playing with Great Aunt Beth. Once she got her hands on him, it was hard to get him away (j/k) :D

Last day in Halifax, everyone was trying to get their snuggles in before we had to leave :)


  1. Love the new pictures looks like you had a Great time in Halifax. Nice to see everyone.
    Love Granma :)

  2. Great new pics Isaac, you are such a cutie.....glad you had a good vacation!!

    Great Aunt Ka and Jim
