Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Now that Isaac can sit up, he won't sit in his lounger anymore. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. He almost doesn't fit in it anymore anyway. :)

This week, Isaac and Mommy went to the splash pad at the near-by community centre. Isaac wasn't thrilled with the cold water, but it was fun to watch the other kids playing.


Playing in the backyard with Mommy. Lovin' this beautiful weather!!!

Now that Isaac is sitting, playing with toys has taken on a whole new dimension.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I finally got a video of Isaac laughing. Its not his being-tickled belly laugh, but its pretty good :)


Check out this big boy sitting up all by himself. Mommy is very proud. :)

New Friends

Met some friends last night, just in time to catch Isaac before he went to bed. An old friend for Mommy and new friends for Isaac. Looking forward to playing again when we visit Deep River in July :)
(ps it looks like Mommy is holding Isaac up, but not really, just there in case he falls. He is getting very good at sitting all by himself)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Had a fun day playing with Mommy and Daddy today. Isaac is getting very good at sitting by himself, but is still too wobbly to be put down to play by himself without support. Soon though.

Playing outside with Mommy on a beautiful day. Now that both gardens are done (veggies and flowers) Mommy actually gets to play with Isaac. Its much for fun for both that way :) Thanks again Great Aunt Ka for the Exer-saucer, it has been great fun!!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Our little chatterbox babbling away to himself. Its hard to catch this kind of thing because if he sees you with the camera pointed at him, he stops and just stares at you. I was able to be sufficiently sneaky this afternoon though :)

Play time

Some fun pics from this week...

Learning to sit up. Still a little floppy, but getting better :) Isaac gets to interested in his toys, and ends up falling to whatever side his toy is, or, folding in half forward.

Playing in the backyard while Mommy did some gardening.

Talking to Granma on Skype :)

Isaac has all these toys, but prefers to play with his toes.

Sitting in the Bumbo "playing with" his block. In Isaac-speak, "playing with" means eating :)