Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Now that Isaac can sit up, he won't sit in his lounger anymore. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. He almost doesn't fit in it anymore anyway. :)

This week, Isaac and Mommy went to the splash pad at the near-by community centre. Isaac wasn't thrilled with the cold water, but it was fun to watch the other kids playing.


Playing in the backyard with Mommy. Lovin' this beautiful weather!!!

Now that Isaac is sitting, playing with toys has taken on a whole new dimension.


  1. WOW! Issac is getting so big! Sure looks like you guys are all having lot's of fun:) XOXO

  2. Love the new pictures I can hardly wait to see you again. I will have to start counting the sleeps.
    Love Granma :)

  3. He really sits up straight....looks like he is having fun.

    Love the videos

    Great Aunt Ka
